My latest focus has been on what to do with the massive amounts of ribbon that I have. Before I moved my crafting space to a different part of the house, I had my printed ribbon in baskets and solid ribbons on a peg board. I am trying to find a way that looks "cleaner". So where do I go for inspiration and awesome ideas? Pinterest, of course!
So as I looked for ribbon storage ideas, I came across this pin. I really liked the fact that you can actually see the designs/patterns on the ribbon! So I added this to the TO-DO projects! Well, last night I decided that while I watched the Olympics, it was the perfect time to tackle the ribbon!
Here is what I it looked like before I started (had 3 buckets and a box full of ribbon):
My main focus was the printed ribbon (mainly). Most of the pieces had 4 ft or less. (If it had more, I left it on the ribbon spool). So by the end of the Olympics, I finished the project!
I love how I now can go to ONE location and actually see the design on the ribbon!
I am so glad that I did this! Now I need to figure out what to do with the solid ribbon! And there is TONS of those!
Thanks for stopping by! If you have been thinking about organizing your ribbon, trust me, this is awesome (and VERY easy)!